The largest numbers of lynchings were found in Jefferson County, Alabama Orange, Columbia, and Polk counties in Florida Fulton, Early, and Brooks counties in Georgia Caddo, Ouachita, Bossier, Iberia, and Tangipahoa parishes in Louisiana Hinds County, Mississippi Shelby County, Tennessee and Anderson County, Texas. Phillips County, Arkansas Lafourche and Tensas parishes in Louisiana Leflore and Carroll counties in Mississippi and New Hanover County, North Carolina, were sites of mass killings of African Americans in single-incident violence that mark them as notorious places in the history of racial terror violence. Lafayette, Hernando, Taylor, and Baker counties in Florida Early County, Georgia Fulton County, Kentucky and Lake and Moore Counties in Tennessee had the highest rates of terror lynchings in America. Mississippi, Georgia, and Louisiana had the highest number of lynchings. Mississippi, Florida, Arkansas, and Louisiana had the highest statewide rates of lynching in the United States. Some states and counties were particularly terrifying places for African Americans and had dramatically higher rates of lynching than other states and counties we reviewed. EJI has also documented more than 300 racial terror lynchings in other states during this time period.Ģ. EJI has documented 4084 racial terror lynchings in twelve Southern states between the end of Reconstruction in 18, which is at least 800 more lynchings in these states than previously reported.

We reviewed local newspapers, historical archives, and court records conducted interviews with local historians, survivors, and victims’ descendants and exhaustively examined contemporaneously published reports in African American newspapers.

EJI conducted extensive analysis of these data as well as supplemental research and investigation of lynchings in each of the subject states. These sources are widely viewed asthe most comprehensive collection of research data on the subject of lynching in America. Tolnay provided an invaluable resource, as did the research collected at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. EJI researchers have documented several hundred more lynchings than the number identified in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date. Racial terror lynching was much more prevalent than previously reported. Perfect Game has more talented players in attendance than any other organization. MLB scouts and college coaches make the most important decisions, and luckily, they follow what we do very closely - not only in person, but online as well. Perfect Game identifies players, provides an opinion, and then lets Major League scouts and college coaches form their own. Perfect Game simply provides talented players a means to be identified and evaluated closely while competing with and against the best worldwide.

Perfect Game does not take any credit for the numerous outstanding players selected in the draft or the many more who go on to play college baseball. One can only imagine how many Perfect Game alumni will ultimately reach their dream of playing Major League Baseball down the road.
However, these figures do not account for the many Latin American free agents who participate in Perfect Game showcases and tournaments and then sign with Major League clubs. In the past ten years, 9,073 Perfect Game participants have been chosen in the MLB First-Year Player Draft. Many of these alumni had participated in multiple Perfect Game tournaments, showcases and/or leagues. Of the 1,530 players selected, 1,323 had attended a Perfect Game event, and 294 of the first 331 picks were Perfect Game alumni. Perfect Game set a new record for the tenth consecutive year following the 2011 MLB draft.