I guess people could sell unbound equipment with decent UV, maybe some accessories, on Market just fine, though it would reduce the effectiveness one of the most important CR sinks in the game (the CR transation tax). And I think that selling CE for real money (like Paypal) is also against the rules. Making the consumer to buy CE directly from them is simply more profitable. Selling Energy on the Market wouldn't not be profitable for OOO, even with the 10% tax on each transaction. Spiral Knights had Steam trading card support added on 13 January 2014. There is no reason to buy a rarity item for Energy, and then sell it on the Market, since you have to choose between sell it for a cheap price (so it's a terrible idea to you, since it is not profitable), or sell it for a price higher than the Cash Shop's price (so it's a terrible idea to the buyer, since it's cheaper to buy it from OOO). Spiral Knights on Steam 34 Popularity Score 5.1M estimated players 260K estimated active players 7.1 average achievements 35.4h average total playtime 0.2h average recent playtime Insight detects a discrepancy between internal and external data used to make the owner estimate which indicates the data could be skewed and inaccurate. Materials are simply worthless (even something for 500~1000CR wouldn't not be worth more than 3 cents) because it's not that hard to get them (except for Shadow Lair-exclusive materials, since you need to complete the Lair to get them, but the material itself is useless since the SL-exclusive Alchemy Machine can only be found in the Lair's last floor). Right now, we can only trade (ingame or Steam Trading) unbound equipment (+ accessories), materials (with some exceptions), Energy and rarities from the cash shop. There are currently three types of tokens: tokens found in Treasure Boxes in the Clockworks, tokens after defeating a boss, and tokens from participating in the Coliseum. I don't think it will work properly, considering how the "bound inventory" system works. Token - SpiralKnights Token Tokens are items that can be exchanged for goods from Brinks, Sullivan, or Holiday Vendors (Like Maskwell for Dark Harvest Festival ).