Document pickers for a given cloud service are provided by their respective app. Storyist uses the iOS 8 document picker to import and export files. Prefer iCloud to Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive for importing and exporting.Apple, of course, supports its file package spec just fine, so you’ll want to use iCloud instead. Dropbox doesn’t support file packages very well at the moment (it treats them as folders, not files) so syncing of Scrivener files via Dropbox isn’t currently supported, though it may be in the future.

Scrivener files are actually Apple file packages. As described in this tech support article, it’s best to keep Scrivener closed when you’re editing the file on another device. If you are editing the file on another device, this can result in sync conflicts. This causes iCloud to sync the “changed” file to your devices. Scrivener modifies a file when opening it and again when closing it, even if you don’t make any changes yourself. Close Scrivener when working on your file on another device.Tables and strikethrough text formatting are not preserved when edited in Storyist. Storyist for iOS doesn’t support these features. You can, of course, create them in Scrivener and then sync it to your iOS device. Storyist for iOS doesn’t currently create Scrivener projects. Storyist does preserve all compile settings when editing a Scrivener file, so you’ll still be able to compile your manuscript in Scrivener. Storyist doesn’t require a compile step since most Storyist users keep their manuscripts in a single file and use heading-level styles to indicate chapters or scenes. However, all outline and index card information is preserved when you edit the file, and will be available to you when editing in Scrivener. Scrivener files don’t support outlining within a text file, so you won’t see file outlines or index cards in the project view like you will with Storyist, Final Draft, or Fountain files. Import and export files using iTunes, email, “send-to-app,” and the iOS 8 document picker.Add, reorganize, and delete items in the project (binder) view.Add and edit project (Scrivener) links.Storyist supports both draft mode and page mode and provides an inspector for font and paragraph formatting operations. Similarly, when you edit the files in your iCloud Drive folder using Scrivener, iCloud will sync them to the cloud and then to your devices.
ICloud will keep track of the changes you make in Storyist and sync them to the cloud and from there to your Mac or PC. Open the files in Storyist for iOS and edit them.iCloud will create it for you after you setup iCloud in Storyist for iOS.) Place your Scrivener files in the Storyist folder in your iCloud Drive folder on your Mac or PC.Configure Storyist to store files in iCloud Drive.